Counseling Department » School Avoidance

School Avoidance

As years have gone by, we have found school avoidance to be increasing across all ages. Below is some information on school refusal by Professor Christopher Kearney, PhD - a clinical child psychologist who specializes in school refusal. Click here for the full Q&A from Psychwire with Dr. Kearney.

Some Early Warning Signs for Parents to Look for with School Refusal 

  • Crying during school hours

  • Disruptive behavior at school that forces school administrators to send child home

  • Frequent visits to the nurse or counselor's office to avoid class

  • Frequent stomachaches or headaches

  • Separation difficulties

  • Sudden changes in behavior or personality

Reasons Why Some Students Refuse School

  • To avoid school-related situations that cause substantial distress

  • To escape painful social and or evaluative school-related situations

  • To get attention from caregivers or others important to them

  • To get tangible rewards outside of school that make staying home more comfortable

What Parents Can Do:

When you start to see or experience moments of school refusal with your child, early intervention is always helpful. Please reach out to the school and be sure to include your child's teacher as well as the school adjustment counselor so together a plan can be put in place. Open communication is key!