Counseling Department » Emotion Regulation

Emotion Regulation

At the lower elementary level, we are no strangers to helping children not only learn academics, but also learn how to better manage their emotion regulation. Below is some information on what we teach at SGES as well as helpful information for helping children regulate their emotions at home.

How do we start teaching emotion regulation to all students?

As the School Adjustment Counselor, I go in to all of the Kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms to teach the Zones of Regulation. The Zones of Regulation is a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum that helps children identify their emotions and learn how to better manage them.

What are the Zones of Regulation?


Blue Zone

  • Low to no energy

  • Sad, Sick, Tired, Bored

Green Zone

  • Body is completely in control

  • Happy, Calm, Relaxed, Focused

Yellow Zone

  • Body is a little out of control

  • Silly, Excited, Frustrated, Worried

Red Zone

  • Body is completely out of control

  • Angry, Wild, Terrified, Ecstatic


At Home Learning with Zones

If you are looking for books to compliment the learning they are doing at school, the following link will bring you to a document that shows a variety of children's books along with what zone they represent.