Dear Grafton Public Schools Community,
We are excited to announce that Grafton Public Schools will be hosting its inaugural Cultural Fair on Saturday, May 17th from 10 am to 2 pm in the Grafton High School Commons and parking lot. This event is a celebration of diversity and an opportunity to learn about different cultures from around the world.
We invite all students, their families, and community members to participate by setting up a table that showcases a particular culture or country. You can focus on one of the following aspects:
Food: Share traditional dishes and recipes.
Music: Play instruments, sing songs, or showcase music videos.
Language: Teach basic phrases or hold a language exchange.
Dance: Perform traditional dances or teach simple dance steps.
Crafts/Art: Display artwork, demonstrate crafts, or sell cultural items.
History/Folklore/Stories: Read stories or exciting/important history.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the below google form so we may gather more info. We will provide you with more information about table setup, display guidelines, and any other relevant details at a later time.
We hope to see you at the Cultural Fair. Let's come together to celebrate our rich cultural heritage and learn from one another.
Aaron Covert and Julia Haney
ELL Teachers Grafton Public Schools
Interest form: